VARIEGATION marks the third exciting event hosted by Liminal Beings, promising a vibrant celebration of creativity!   
From March 28th to April 20th, the Old Ambulance Station will be transformed as twelve artists showcase a rich tapestry of styles, perspectives, and mediums.

Join us for the free opening party on April 6th,
featuring live music, poetry, food & drinks, art, and the chance to mingle with the artists.
OPENING EVENT: 6th April. 5pm till 9pm

Free Nambour/Namba STREET ART TOURS will be run by Humble Dumpling and the final days of the event will see a fun cross-pollination with Bad Habit Records!

WALKING TOURS: 30th March, 6th April, 21st April.
10:15am start from The Ambo Gallery.

SCAVENGER HUNT: 4 boxes hidden around Nambour city centre. Three hand decorated boxes by Nambour artists and filled with goodies and art donated by Sunshine Coast businesses and local street artists. One special box just for the Bad Habit Records birthday extravaganza. Boxes will be hidden on the mornings of the walking tours and the Bad Habit Box will be hidden during the birthday celebrations.